Quick Keyboard Commands

Introduction of Keyboard

Esc = To avoid any command
Tab = Cursor movement firstly
Caps lock = To use upper character standby
Shift = To use for shortcut command and use for upper character short time
Ctrl = To use for shortcut command
Alt = To use for menu bar shortcut command
Enter = To use for ok command and down for cursor
Space bar = To use for space between word
Back space = To use for delete left side one character by one character
Delete = To use delete right side one character by one character
Home = Cursor movement beginning of the line
End = Cursor movement end of the line
Ctrl+Home = To use for cursor movement beginning of the document
Ctrl+End = To use for cursor movement end of the document
Page Up = Cursor movement beginning of the page
Page Down = Cursor movement end of the page
Up Arrow Key = Use for cursor movement up the line
Right Arrow Key = Use for cursor movement 1 character by 1 character right
Left Arrow Key = Use for cursor movement 1 character by 1 character left side

Alphabet Key = A---Z
Number Key = 0—1
Especial Key = Ctrl, Alt, Shift etc.
Function Key = F1, F2 .........F12

Microsoft Office Shortcuts
Quick Keyboard Commands

  Word Access Excel PowerPoint
Ctrl-A= Select entire document Select All Select All cells Select All
Ctrl-B =Bold Bold Bold Bold
Ctrl-C or F3= Copy Copy Copy Copy
Ctrl-F  n/a=Find Request Find n/a
Ctrl-G =Go to n/a n/a n/a
Ctrl-H  n/a=Replace text n/a n/a
Ctrl-I =Italics n/a n/a Italics
Ctrl-M n/a n/a=Format a Number Add (create) slide
Ctrl-N = New document New document New document New presentation
Alt-N  n/a=Create new object n/a n/a
Ctrl-O= Open Open Open Open
Ctrl-P =Print Print Print Print
Ctrl-Q= Quit Quit Quit Quit
Ctrl-R  n/a=New Record Fill Right n/a
Ctrl-TAB= Save As Display Page Save As n/a
Ctrl-S=  Save Save Query Save Save
Ctrl-U=  Underline n/a Underline Underline text
Ctrl-V = Paste Paste Paste Paste text
Ctrl-X = Cut Cut Cut Cut
Ctrl-Z =Undo Undo Undo Undo
Ctrl-1 (one)  n/a n/a=Format cell n/a
F1 = Help
F7 =Spelling/Grammar checkSpelling check Spelling check Spelling check
Ctrl-[  n/a n/a n/a=decrease font size
Ctrl-]  n/a n/a n/a=increase font size

Shortcuts when selecting Text

Selection Task  Shortcut
Select adjacent text Click and drag over the text
Select a word  Double-click on the word
Select a line  Triple click on the line
Select a paragraph  Click 4 times in the paragraph
Select from the insertion point to
the beginning or end of paragraph
Press Shift-Option-Up arrow or Shift-
Option-Down arrow
Select an extended section
Click at one end of the section, then
Shift-Click at the other end
Select whole document  Ctrl-A or Triple click in selection area
Select from the insertion point to
the beginning or end of document  Press Shift-Ctrl-Home or Shift-Ctrl-End